~~NOTOC~~ {{de:pcc:sonstiges:produktbeschreibungen:bannerkurs_event.jpg|}}\\ ====== Course & Event ====== =====A powerful organisational tool for: Plan, book and pay==== Whether it's a taster course, course licence candidates, trainer utilisation, golf event or conference rooms - you have everything at a glance. You can book and pay online via the club website. You determine the specifications, handicap limits or privileged booking slots. booking slots. This creates a lively golf event management system. Once the date has been defined and saved as a template, booking is very quick. It can be implemented for any time, for any resource: select the PE course and allocate it to the free tee times and coaches; select the event and book it at the venues. At the end, each course participant receives a confirmation by e-mail, WebSMS or mail merge - or even interim information - all directly from the event module. directly from the event module. And all booking content is visible for information purposes: directly with the participant in the CRM. Take our tool in your hands and turn a prospective customer into a satisfied course participant, event visitor and perhaps even a member. perhaps a member. =====Facts:===== Services: * Complex organisation and definition for events and courses * Bookable in categories for certain groups of people according to your own specifications; age groups, number of participants, handicap limits, privileges can be set, e.g. early booking for VIPs or for Silver Card members * Monitoring of booking restrictions (e.g. max. 2 courses bookable out of 5 dates) * Recurring standard events can be saved and called up as a template * Detailed information: Organiser, location, prices, display of optional additional offers: such as menu selection, rental carts, e-carts. * Participant overview: Traceability of all registration data and changes with date, time, user * All registration information stored directly with the customer in the CRM\DMS info window * Participant info for status changes, e.g. when slipping from the waiting list to the participant list * Participant information by e-mail, WebSMS or form letter * Booking overview in the timetable: free capacities and utilisation of all resources =====Module requirements===== * Customer ManagementFinance