Dear PC CADDIE customers,
the PC CADDIE update 2014a is available for download for all customers within their maintenance contract.
With new developments we would like to support your daily routine and make it more pleasant. A detailed overview can be found on the right, in the table of contents or by just scrolling down. We wish you a good start to the 2014 season!
Benedikt Schmedding
and the whole PC CADDIE Team
With the admission of a new member the following mask will appear when saving:
The handicap record will always be restarted from now on due to the approval rules of the DGV; you will not be able to remove the check mark.
In practice this means you should be very careful with resignations. As soon as you have entered a date of leave to a member you will only have the possibility to load the handicap record via Intranet in case the member re-enters.
For this you will need as already known the player's latest card data, club number, membership number and service number. Especially the service number can only be provided by the players themselves.
When a scored result of a member is being transferred by another club via PC CADDIE and it was determined that the original handicap was incorrect, you will get a warning in the window „Current information“. When clicking this information you will get another warning „Attention: Check original handicap! The player entered the competition of which this data derives with a different handicap then given in his record sheet. Please check the reason and ask the player if other results might be missing leading to this difference. We point out applying rule 6-2 (Handicap) and clause 3.5 (player's rights and responsibilities) of the DGV-Handicap system.
When printing a handicap record sheet the gross scores will be listed.
When ordering you have the possibility to add another e-mail address to section 3 (ORDER) so it will also receive the information about the current status of membership card orders:
It is possible to let the golf association rate very short green tees (i.e., for kids). When fetching the course data from the Intranet it will look like this:
You can now individually set for each tournament to show the handicap status ACTIVE in tournament lists. To do so enter the check mark in the competition mask as follows:
For players that have a membership in several clubs there is a new option to display the desired club in lists, for example, for team tournaments, even though the player's handicap is recorded in a different club.
All these clubs the player has a membership in will be provided when launching the guest Intranet query.
The PC CADDIE person mask will still show the club with handicapping authority as usual in Home club:
Click the + symbol to add another club manually and check it with the Intranet.
Set the check mark print this club in lists if, for example, the player should appear with this specific club on the start list though his home club is a different one (example: friendly matches, team competitions).
For a handicap qualifying tournament you will get the following notice if a tournament has not been closed. This notice will already appear after 3 pm on the same day of the tournament as soon as you close PC CADDIE and the closing process for the tournament has not yet been made. Also you will get this notice when starting PC CADDIE each morning.
It is also NEW that you cannot change the tournament regarding the handicap qualifying settings as soon as there was only 1 score entered.
In case later adjustments are necessary please contact the DGV.
For a handicap qualifying tournament with several rounds you will be reminded of the closing process for each round.
You can now also add info text to each tournament for the Intranet which will then be displayed on Mygolf. To do so click the button Internet in the competition mask.
As you might know you can provide the tournament data for another club over the Intranet, i.e., if a tournament with several rounds will be continued in another club.
It is now possible to display a tournament on Mygolf at another club. An example could be a friendly match where players from your club but also from the neighbour club can sign on for.
To display a tournament on another club’s Mygolf site, click the button Internet in the competition mask and then click Export as you can see below.