Online Invoice & Mailer

Invoices as PDF attachments via e-mail in customer design:

This is what your customers expect and saves you postage! Electronic invoicing is the fast, secure and efficient alternative to letters and faxes. to letter and fax. You optimise your day-to-day business, because time-consuming work steps involved in sending invoices are eliminated and it is easier to forward a PDF easier to forward than a paper invoice. In addition, your customers can directly mark and copy all payment information directly from the PDF invoice and paste it into an online bank transfer form. All invoices can be archived as PDF files in our CRM\ DMS system can be archived. This saves space and time when retrieving an invoice and actively helps the environment by reducing the amount of paper and transport.





We place a binding order for this software licence under the above conditions. The general terms and conditions terms and conditions, which we have read and accepted, apply: