

Customer terminal

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The customer terminal is an add-on module of PC CADDIE and allows your members and guests to access bag tags or tournament information, even outside the secretariat opening hours. You have the option of operating one or more terminals at the same time. The respective settings and layouts can be identical or different.

The following individual modules are available for the terminal:

:!: Please contact PC CADDIE Support to set up the terminal. In order to ensure a smooth running of the installation, please have the following artifacts at hand, if available or desired:

  • Advertising of sponsors for the Screensaver
  • Various pictures of your club for the Screensaver
  • Desired classification of the menu items in the club information
  • Any password for password-protected pages

**Club information**

Here you can store pictures, information or even gastronomy events, depending on what you want to show your customers and what you want to share with them using the terminal. You can place sub-folders in the Club Information folder, for example, course information, catering, PCCADDIE (link to homepage). These sub-folders should be marked with numbers, and will be displayed at the terminal.

:!: Important: A text file must contain index in the name and must be saved as HTML!

:!: Note that a customer needs his DGV/ASG or Club card for identification at the terminal. To avoid abuses, a person can not make full use of the terminal without this identification.

HINT: Use the key combination Alt+F4 to close the terminal interface.

HINT: You can also create a menu entry on the terminal to shut down the computer by inserting the Close button and specifying this in the configuration of the files LINK.TXT and ENDE.BAT:

The contents of the two lines of LINK.TXT are: PASS:abcd, for password query and EXE:„c:\ende.bat“ to call up the BAT file that will shut down the computer. The fileENDE.BAT must be stored directly on c:\ as in this example and contains only one command line with the Windows command: shutdown -s.

If the corresponding menu item is selected, the password is prompted („abcd“ in the example) and the PC is then shut down.

Set up the basic settings

:!: Please note that you cannot change basic settings without first contacting PC CADDIE Support.

The menu item Timetable/Configure Timetable Self-Service opens the main menu of the terminal. If you do not have a timetable, this menu item will open the Setup/Configure program settings for Timetable Self Service


  1. When displaying the timetables on the terminal, you can optionally display the names of the players.
    HINT: It is also possible to hide only individual person names. To do this, enter ttnoname in the corresponding person mask under Additional info.
  2. Determine when and how much before the tee time, the golfers can book themselves at the terminal or confirm their presence.
  3. Define which tournament and handicap functions can be printed.
    :!: A corresponding printer must be connected to the terminal.
  4. Determine which payment options are available.
    :!: An appropriate Payment terminal must be set up for EC payment options.
  5. Use the options to reboot the terminals or go directly into the folder structure (for example, to insert new background images, etc.).

:!: The individual functions are subject to licensing by PC CADDIE and cannot be used without a licence.

Basic settings

:!: Please consult the PC CADDIE support for any changes of the basic settings.

  1. After how many seconds of inactivity is it assumed that the customer has left? Should a forgotten card be retained? To which function should the terminal return to?
  2. Definition of printers and layouts for the respective printouts (e.g., start lists, master pages, bag tags, etc.).
  3. Settings of the specific reader control


Enter the courses for which you want to allow a score calculation.

Green fee

PC CADDIE provides you with three green fee base types at the terminal. You must enter the main articles (2) for the basic types (1). For example, Green fee A for the 18 hole Green fee, Green fee B for the 9 hole Green fee, and Green fee C for the Range fee.

:!: These items must be deposited with the appropriate Automatic system, so that the golfers are offered only the appropriate tariffs.

Background image

An example:

:!: Important: A text file must contain index in the name and must be saved as HTML!

Fundamentierung für Self-Service Terminals

en/einstellungen/kundenterminal/kundenterminal.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/08/25 17:36 von msp
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