The basic intranet configuration slightly differs from country to country. Please make sure you are following the right instructions!
The intranet configuration stores all the important information for the correct synchronization with the DGV Server in Germany and the ASG Server in Switzerland.
You can find the configuration window under Setup/Intranet-Configuration.
The settings are already stored correctly. Changes should only be carried out by PC CADDIE Support.
Online customers can also use the Settings button to add a user name and a password for the data transfer with
The user name and the password used for the DGV server or for the Swissgolf network are stored here.
The user name automatically sent to you when registering with the golf association.
For DGV members: the user name is removed after a new PC CADDIE station installation, for security reasons. Please retrieve it from DGV (DGV contact) and enter it again here.
You can install a communication service for the automatic data synchronization with the DGV server or with the Swiss golf network.
This controls the automatic data upload in the background, without having to manually start the intranet synchronization or
You have to install the communication server (this is a one-time operation). PC CADDIE then automatically creates a so-called „service“ which controls the intranet synchronization.
Click on Install communication server :
The following window opens while the installation is running.
The status will change to Active after you start it by pressing the button Start the server. Now PC CADDIE automatically initializes the data transfer in the set time period.
The service can be also called via Control Panel/Administrative Tools/View Local Services after its configuration:
HINT: The communication server should be defined as an exception in your firewall after its installation, in order to work properly.
This section presents the Special functions in more details. You can reach these functions via the Intranet connection, under „Intranet configuration and Special functions“:
The Special functions tab gives you different options for uploading data on the intranet:
Since 2016, PC CADDIE automatically checks the coordinates of your members. This feature is therefore needed only in exceptional cases.
Download the latest geodata of your members. PC CADDIE automatically checks the geodata of both addresses from the personal data. According to DGV, the shorter distance can be taken automatically when 2 different addresses are entered for the same member. Attention: loading the geodata can sometimes take an hour!
To check the loaded geodata, print out a coordinate checklist. For this, you can print the desired group of people and optionally activate whether the list should also contain all addresses:
Contents of the coordinate - checklist:
Reference coordinates: These are the coordinates of your golf course used for the calculation. PC CADDIE receives them from the DGV intranet. Check the coordinates and contact the DGV if they are incorrect.
Coordinates 1: this column contains the coordinates of the person's 1st address.
Distance 1 : is the distance between the 1st address and the golf course, in kilometers (according to the coordinates).
Coordinates 2: contains the data of the second address of the person.
Distance 2: is the distance between the 2nd address and the golf course, in kilometers (according to the coordinates).
Effective: is the distance in kilometers that will be transmitted with the membership data to the DGV (step 3) and used to issue the card (step 5).
Example list:
Now transfer all members with the coordinates to the DGV intranet. Confirm the following questions with „OK“.
Pressing OK transfer data for all the members. This can take a while.
If you still have members for which there are no coordinates, PC CADDIE will try to find out the coordinates again, which may make the process a bit longer.
To start, answer the following question with „Yes“.
The transfer of members to the DGV Intranet Information System (IIS) may take some time. Note: the answer that all data is processed and synchronized is received from the intranet server to PC CADDIE only when you see a „green check-mark“ in the Intranet information window. Only then can you continue with step 4.
This step leads you directly to your club data in the DGV Intranet Information System. Check here exactly the regional status for your members before you order the ID cards. Neither the DGV nor PC CADDIE assume responsibility for incorrect card order records.
If you have submitted all data for the regional status, checked it and found it to be correct, you can start the card order.
Starting the Austrian PC CADDIE Version via Setup/Program Options/Intranet configuration opens the Golf.AT configuration window:
You can also Automatically install the FTP-Butler for Golf.AT . Please contact the PC CADDIE Support if you have any questions.
Federation Royale Belge de Golf - Royal Belgian Golf Federation - FedDB
Open the configuration window via the Setup/Intranet orr Makro frbg and check the „Enabled“ box.