

FAQs on cash register security regulation (KassenSichV) in Deutschland

In these FAQs we answer the central questions about the KassenSichV, the „technical security device“ (TSE) and the „digital interface of the financial administration for cash register systems“ (DSFinV-K) for your PC CADDIE cash register. We are constantly adding your questions to the FAQ.

Do I have to equip my PC CADDIE cash register with a TSE?

Yes - there are no legal exceptions here: every PC cash register has to be equipped with a TSE unit as of 1.1.2020. Due to delays in the certification of TSE providers, a „no complaint rule“ applies until September 30, 2020; in many federal states this rule applies until March 31, 2021 under certain conditions.

What does the TSE basically do with cash register bookings?

The TSE „signs“ cash register transactions with unchangeable and continuous IDs. In this way, the auditor can retrace the bookings in a checkout review, regardless of system used by the cash register. The signing is not only done with the completion/booking of a checkout process - a signature is already assigned at the opening of a checkout process , for example with the first allocation of an article to a customer, table or „walk-in customers“. Open a table. With every change in the process - e.g. in the case of longer processes such as table bookings that are common in gastronomy over the period of the guests' stay - further signatures are assigned. The last signing takes place when the receipt is issued. The auditor not only has access to completed bookings, but also to all booking and cancellation processes in advance.

Are there different types of TSE?

Yes, there are basically two technical solutions from different providers: the TSE as hardware, e.g. as a USB stick or as an SD card, which is installed in the cash register or connected to the PC cash register via the printer. And the TSE from the cloud, which requires an internet connection with the local system.

Can I choose between different TSE providers?

No - all PC CADDIE cash registers are connected via a cloud TSE from FISKALY. We made the decision for a cloud solution based on its technical advantages and support. Due to the database structure of the PC CADDIE, several cash registers of one account area can be signed via a single TSE. In this way, we can keep the initial and the follow-up costs low.

What happens with the TSE cloud in case of Internet problems?

If the TSE fails due to an Internet interruption, the downtimes and the reason for the failure must be documented. If the PC CADDIE cash register is operated locally, business operations can continue without interruption. The failure of the signature unit must then be shown on the receipts.

Is the TSE solution certified for my PC CADDIE cash register?

As of August 1, 2020, no cloud TSE solution has been certified by the responsible Federal Office for Information Security, all providers are still in the certification process. For this reason too, the further extension of the „no complaint rule“ has been decided by many federal states, subject to conditions, to March 31, 2021.

Do I have to take action myself when converting my cash register?

Yes! - Due to the delays in the certification, the responsible Federal Office of Finance is demanding that the TSE is „commissioned“ by the cash register supplier by 30.09.2020 at the latest. Penalties may apply when there is no verifiable commissioning.

How can I meet my commissioning obligations?

A dialog field is available in your PC CADDIE as of 290th if July 2020, which you can use not only to initiate the commissioning of the TSE, but also to specify the correct number of TSE units required depending on your business. A detailed video tutorial on filling out this dialog is available:

Does each account area in PC CADDIE need its own TSE?

Only account areas within which payment transactions with cash/credit card etc. are processed are subject to the KassenSichV. These are usually „sales accounts“ in PC CADDIE, accessed by the PC CADDIE cash register. „Contribution accounts“, which you use for example for the contribution invoices, are usually not used to operate a cash desk. These are not subject to the regulation - when used as areas for invoicing without a cash desk - and do not require their own TSE. Please clarify with your tax advisor the specific use of the account areas in PC CADDIE so that you can commission the TSEs correctly.

What about the cash payments from invoices that were created via the premium account?

The two processes are independent of each other: an account area used as a premium account with invoicing is not subject to the KassenSichV, so it does not require a TSE. If members/customers pay their received invoice on site, this is usually done via the connected PC CADDIE cash register in the sales account area (with equipped TSE unit). Please coordinate the specific use of your account areas with your tax advisor.

Is the OP account area subject to the KassenSichV?

An OP area is used in the form of a contribution account in which no payments are made in accordance with the KassenSichV: in this use, the OP account areas are not subject to the KassenSichV. Please agree with your tax advisor whether your use of the OP accounts in PC CADDIE corresponds to this use.

Does it make sense to combine account areas under the regulation<

The use of the different account areas in PC CADDIE helps managing your business operations as clearly and conveniently as possible. The use of several account areas should be re-examined - due to the additional TSE costs. If, for example, a sales account area for a pro shop, which has been reduced to a few items over the years, can also be managed in the sales account at reception, this merger would save a TSE unit.

Leased business areas (gastronomy, pro shop): how do they affect the KassenSichV?

A distinction must be made between leased business units:

1. If the lessee uses their own separate cash register system, they are responsible for compliance with the KassenSichV in their cash register system, as payers.

2. If the lessee uses a PC CADDIE cash register system, the lessee's cash register needs its own TSE for the account area. IMPORTANT: for the lessee as an independent taxpayer, the master data for setting up the TSE must be managed independently. This independent management of the TSE and DSFinV-K data is independent of whether the leaseholder receives the cash register system via the golf course as part of the lease agreement, or is directly connected to PC CADDIE as a service partner.

When you send us the order, you can add information in the comments field, for example whether you want to send the order together, but want separate orders and order confirmations.

How can the TSE be commissioned together with a lessee?

The PC CADDIE dialogue form for commissioning the TSE (update from 07/29/2020) does not differentiate between lessees and golf businesses - the dialogue form with all the account areas created is displayed or can be called up at all workstations. Please coordinate with your tenant to correctly determine the responsible account areas and to send the order to us as a whole.

What additional costs are to be expected with KassenSichV?

All programming expenses to implement the KassenSichV, in particular the TSE connection and DSFinV-K data exports, are secured by your maintenance agreement with us and free of charge. The TSE units themselves are services of additional service providers as a result of the legal requirements and must be billed separately. By choosing the partner FISKALY, as well as by signing several registers in one account area with a TSE, we can reduce your costs to a minimum. The prices can be found here: Third party TSE costs

How are the previous requirements of the GoBD in connection with the KassenSichV?

The immutability of transactions has already been regulated in the GoBD (principles for the proper management and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form as well as for data access). The GoBD is neither a law nor an ordinance, but an administrative regulation of the Ministry of Finance. With the new regulation, the protection against manipulation is now regulated by law.

What changes will the establishment of the DSFinV-K bring?

The DSFinV-K specifies the interface for data export, and thus simplifies the export and processing of data from electronic cash register systems: for the auditor, you as a taxpayer, your tax advisor. But the DSFinV-K also enables the simple use of the „cash check“ directly in your company by the tax authorities.

What is a "checkout"?"

The tax authorities have been able to carry out unannounced cash checks - a so-called cash check - since January 1, 2018. This is a supplement to the previously valid tax audit options. As part of this check, the auditors of the Ministry of Finance can use test software to determine, among other things, whether subsequent manipulations have taken place at the cash register.

Why are my receipts saved in a cloud with the implementation of DSFinV-K?

The FISKALY cloud TSE solution we use contains cloud storage of your cash register transactions signed in accordance with DSFinV-K. The storage facilitates full access to the required cash register data during tests. The unannounced examinations of the tax office by means of a „cash check“, which will be increasingly expected in the future, can be dealt with in a simplified manner through cloud access.

Can I object to the storage of my cash register transactions created in accordance with DSFinVK?

Yes - you can opt to save your receipts only on your local systems. Please send us your objection to the storage of the receipts in writing. Please understand that we have to bill the costs of determining data as part of a tax audit separately.

What do I have to consider if I no longer use the Pcc cash register?

If you cancel the maintenance contract for the PC CADDY cash register or the use of the cash register as „Software as a Service“ (SaaS), you will receive from us an export file of the DSFinV-K exports saved up to the time of cancellation.

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