

User support

PC CADDIE://online Support

To support the activity of the golf courses, the booking customers can also directly contact the Pcc support. The user can independently contact us via a contact form, available in the respective online service PC CADDIE://online Tee time/Pro booking in the main menu, under Contact/Support

and in PC CADDIE://online Tournament management under Support & contact:

If your customer can not fill out the form, please send us the following data:

  • First and last name
  • ID card number
  • E-mail address
  • Error message

We are happy to help.

;-) The more customers you can book independently, the fewer calls you receive. So let's help your customers take the first step together.

Edit users in PC CADDIE

If the user data of the member change, this data must also be synchronized online. To do this, open the corresponding window for the person concerned and then click on the Online button:

The button is only available if you have purchased one of the modules PC CADDIE://online Tee time/Pro booking or PC CADDIE://online Tournament management.

If the customer is not yet registered, the following window opens. The data is taken from PC CADDIE. Click on the bottom button and enter the member online.

A window with extended function pops up for already registered members. Check if the current data (top of the window) matches those in PC CADDIE (bottom of the window). Pay particular attention to the email address.

After synchronizing the data, you can send it directly to the user using the next window.

Edit users in Club Manager

Find out here how to edit users in Club manager.

Block users for online booking

Individual users can be blocked using the additional information:

The additional info TTBLOCK is needed for blocking the start time booking The tournament booking can also be blocked using CPBLOCK.

For example, if the annual fee has not been paid, the golfer can be banned from making an online booking.

Questions? Issue? Wishes?

If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to contact your PC CADDIE://online customer service.

en/online/benutzer/benutzer.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/05/31 16:55 von emilia
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