


The mailing interface module RapidMail provides you with a function for sending mass mailings in PC CADDIE. This module must be licensed. It allows you to send personalised mass mailings with HTML attachments directly from PC CADDIE, e.g. for sending newsletters.

Rapidmail itself offers DSGVO-compliant newsletter dispatch, a completely web-based editor with drag and drop function, dispatch of the newsletters takes place via the Rapidmail infrastructure.

For the use of the interface to Rapidmail, a separate, fee-based agreement with the provider Rapidmail is necessary. You can find out about these costs from the provider.


1. output of the persons in a file in the PC CADDIE
In the register of PC CADDIE one can click on the element „Mailing-Interface“ under Contacts. This opens a mailing interface dialogue. Under Layout you can then select „rapidmail“ on the „Edit…“ button. User name and password must be entered in the same dialogue. The person group is important because the recipient list is based on the selected group. The order can be adjusted as needed. On the button „Output“ the user is asked whether the file output should be started. Here the user can confirm the output with „Start file output“. A new dialogue with the title „Select contact person“ appears. Here the user can select the partner and click on „OK“. In the dialogue „Mailing-Interface“ a box shows how many persons have been output. By clicking on the button „rapidmail“ you would enter a new dialogue.

Button Name Description
1 Edit button Selection of the mailing variant (rapidmail, SuperMailer, MailProfiler)
2 Output button Output of the persons to a file (List.txt)
3 Person group Selection of person group
4 Upload to rapidmail Upload the persons in the file (List.txt) to rapidmail

2. rapidmail dispatch
As soon as the button „rapidmail“ is clicked in the „mailing interface“, the dialogue „rapidmail dispatch“ appears. Last output„ means the time at which the file created with the persons was last sent out. The filter name is the selected group of persons in the „mailing interface“. Issued persons“ means the number of persons that have been created in the file. „Last upload“ means the time when the file was last sent to rapidmail. „Upload result“ indicates whether the file was successfully sent to rapidmail.

Button Name Description
1 Send data The output file with the persons is sent to rapidmail
2 Mailing list rapidmail Forwarding to the recipient list website of rapidmail
3 Mailing rapidmail Forwarding to the mailing website of rapidmail
4 Cancel Cancellation of the rapidmail mailing, you are redirected to the „mailing interface“.

There are two ways to get to the recipient list of rapidmail.

On PC CADDIE, you can click on the second button „Send list rapidmail“ on rapidmail dispatch, or click on the tab „Recipient list“ on

Variant Brief description Image
1 Send list rapidmail on PC CADDIE
2 Register rapidmail on rapidmail

In the mailing of rapidmail you can send emails with a template of rapidmail or you create your own template. What is advantageous here is that you can save all the templates to use them the next time.

Column name Short description
Title Title of the person (Dr.)
firstname First name of the person
lastname Surname of the person
gender Sex of the person
birthdate Date of birth of the person
extra1 Salutation
extra2 Form of address with dear/honoured
extra3 Second address
extra4 Language
extra5 Status HomeclubNa
extra6 Info
extra7 PCODE

Difference Single-Upload & File-Upload

The single upload variant uploads the issued persons individually to rapidmail. The advantage of this variant is that the recipient list is available more quickly than the file upload variant. A disadvantage of Single-Upload is that it does not support duplicated e-mail addresses.

On the other hand, the File-Upload variant supports the upload of persons with duplicated e-mail addresses. The disadvantage of this variant is that the duration of the upload is relatively longer.


In order to use the newsletter rapidmail in the PC CADDIE software, an API access is required. The creation of the access is done on the official website of rapidmail. On the rapidmail website, click on the user's profile in the top right-hand corner and then click on „API“. Now you can click on „Create new API access“ on the redirected page and enter a description. In this example, „PC CADDIE“ is entered. Click on „Save“ to create an API access.

The user name and password can be seen under the button „Create new API access“. These are needed to enter them in the PC CADDIE software and use the feature. On the PC CADDIE software, click on „Contacts“ in the menu and select „Mailing interface rapidmail“ underneath. Then click on „Edit“ in the new dialogue. In this dialogue, select the type „rapidmail“ and enter the user name and password that have just been automatically created on rapidmail. Confirm the entry with „OK“ and you can start with the newsletter feature!

en/personen/mailinginterface/rapidmail/rapidmail.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/12/05 14:25 von sm
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