

Operational comparison BVGA

PC CADDIE calculates with your data

From your sales and contributions recorded in PCCADDIE, from the booked golf rounds booked rounds of golf, competitions, other revenues and membership figures this module calculates all the relevant statistical values, both for the business comparison of the Bundesverband Golfanlagen e.V. (BVGA) as well as for the business comparison of the German Golf Association (DGV); and uses them to create a standardised and comparable form for direct forwarding to the DGV and/or BVGA.



  • Input and analysis module including form printing
  • Recording and totalling of all membership types managed in PCCADDIE, booked rounds of golf,
  • Golf competitions, fees, turnover and other revenues
  • Adjusted according to statistical requirements and comparative figures for BVGA and DGV


  • PCCADDIE Customer ManagementBusiness
  • PCCADDIE Timetable to determine the booked rounds of golf
  • Only data managed in PCCADDIE, booked sales and services can be collected and totalled. Additional manual data input from external data sources is possible.
en/sonstiges/produktbeschreibungen/betriebsvergleich_dgv_bvga.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/12/19 15:35 von msp
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