


Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Document Management System (DMS)

Our CRM system guarantees the best service for your members and guests. All relevant You can view all relevant personal information directly during the conversation: scanned documents e-mails, notes, form letters, appointments or invoices. For targeted marketing and The CRM also offers optimal support for targeted marketing and efficient sales in order to display your target groups and organise advertising campaigns. With the integrated team function („groupware“), you can also ensure your scheduling and task planning: the daily ToDos are no longer lost, are assigned to the customer and can be tracked by everyone in the team

»„The CRM system is our central organisational tool with which we ensure all daily processes and our high standard of service. our high standard of service. Whether it's member and customer care, tournaments or events - without the powerful CRM system from PCCADDIE, it would no longer be possible for us to provide this level of quality! no longer possible!“ Karsten Voss, Apeldör Estate



  • CRM\DMS data display directly when calling up the customer. Unlimited data categorisation, divided into
  • Overview categories (all entries, contact persons, e-mails, documents, etc.)
  • Free choice of categories for sorting and analysing entries (e-mails, to-dos, appointments, notes, projects, events, tasks, etc.)
  • Groupware functions: Task allocation, scheduling, group functions, resubmissions, substitution settings, prioritisation, visibility settings.
  • Extensive evaluation and list functions.


  • Direct scanner integration
  • E-mail plug-in for Microsoft Outlook and Thunderbird: click on the e-mail directly into CRM


  • Complex customer management
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