


Fast, direct and arrived

You can send start times and tournament results directly from PCCADDIE with a single click. Even last-minute tournament changes can be easily communicated - because SMS messages are are sure to be received and read, and can also be used for targeted direct marketing.

„I'm absolutely delighted with the SMS start times service! Our members and above all our many summer guests as well. It's a great relief for us, as we often have very short notice deadline for our tournaments. We save ourselves a lot of phone calls.“ Inge Brodersen, Golf Club Föhr e.V



  • Low costs per SMS
  • Direct reply possible: the SMS reply is sent back to the club by e-mail
  • Immediate information about the dispatch status and your account balance
  • Sending of start times with tee and flight partners directly from the tournament module
  • Sending tournament results with handicap changes directly from the tournament module
  • Automatic birthday SMS, tee time confirmations, event invitations
  • Insertion of PCCADDIE data fields for customised SMS and serial dispatch possible
  • Country-specific sender number for Germany, Switzerland and Austria


  • Complex customer management

Agreement on the use of


The following is agreed between the user and the operator PCCADDIE AG:

____________________________________________________ (club/name)

____________________________________________________ (Street)

____________________________________________________ (postcode city)

____________________________________________________ (e-mail)

____________________________________________________ (Contact person)

1. numbered list itemThe operator provides the user with the option of sending SMS messages from the PCCADDIE golf software. The User shall receive an access code from the Operator after signing this Agreement, which is stored in the PCCADDIE software.

2. the Operator guarantees that the SMS sent by the User will be transmitted to the recipients' mobile phones. The Operator shall provide detailed dispatch information by e-mail after each SMS dispatch. e-mail after each SMS dispatch. In addition, the User shall also receive the dispatch status and the costs of dispatch in PCCADDIE. costs of the dispatch. (A licensed PCCADDIE SMS module is required to use Web SMS)

3. the only costs incurred by the user are the charges per SMS according to the currently valid price list.

4. the SMS is sent by the user on a credit basis. After signing 2000 SMS, the user will receive an invoice for € 199.80 / SFr. 240 plus VAT. If this credit falls below € 99.90 / SFr. 120, the user automatically receives a new top-up credit payment with an invoice for € 199.80 / SFr. 240 plus VAT to top up his credit again. If the credit is used up no further SMS messages can be sent.

5. this agreement can be cancelled by the user with a notice period of 14 days. Upon cancellation, the user will receive a detailed invoice and the remaining credit will be refunded.

6. the operator endeavours to maintain the favourable conditions per SMS for as long as possible. Should the nevertheless have to be increased, the operator must inform the user of the new price at least 30 days before the the new price at least 30 days prior to the increase.

7. the operator is not liable for any misuse of the access data provided for this system. For mutual security, the Operator shall keep detailed logs of use and access to the system, which the Operator shall provide to the User. and access to the system, which the operator will be happy to make available to the user on request.

8. the operator shall provide the user with a balance confirmation of the existing credit balance on 31 December of each year

Date Signature Stamp - User

en/sonstiges/produktbeschreibungen/websms.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/12/19 15:38 von msp
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