Updating PC CADDIE is important for a functioning system.
Check regularly whether a new update can be loaded.
Via End/Update PC CADDIE the following window will open, which you should close with
please confirm with OK to confirm:
In newer versions, start the update via System/PC CADDIE update or via the green „i“ in the top right-hand corner and then Update PC CADDIE
Follow the next windows and confirm with Next. Normally it is not not necessary to make any changes to the preset selection:
If the system is already up to date, you will see the following window:
You can press Cancel to exit the window.
However, if a more recent version is available, PC CADDIE will then automatically start loading an update:
After successful loading, the next window opens and PC CADDIE plays the previously loaded update after confirming with OK automatically:
You will then receive the following window: PC CADDIE unpacks the newly loaded files.
Confirm with OK the system is updated via an installation routine and PC CADDIE is automatically restarted:
After a successful update, the window with the password query opens and you can now log in again. log in again.