


At Articles/Print…/Article Statistics the following window opens:

Make the following settings:

  1. Limit the date according to the desired time period. Bear in mind that you should rather take a smaller time range for testing, otherwise you will need longer waiting times for printing.
  2. Here you can explicitly select a certain supplier explicitly. If you select all suppliers, you have the option of subdividing the list according to suppliers.
  3. Via the button Select button you can product groups, that are to be evaluated.
  4. Make the fine settings for the articles here.
  5. The sequence can be varied.
  6. The evaluation can be made via the „Sale“ or the „Purchase“.

As soon as you have made all settings, click on Print (F8).

  1. Total number of items sold
  2. Total net purchase price for all items sold
  3. Net purchase price per item
  4. Original total gross sales price for all items sold
  5. Gross sales price per item
  6. Actual total gross sales price for all items sold
  7. Actual gross sales price per item
  8. Total margin (difference between total purchase price and total net sales price)
  9. Margin/trade margin per item
  10. Margin/trade margin in percent
en/umsaetze/proshopwarenwirschaft/drucken/statistik.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/10/25 14:52 von tg
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