You can access the results output directly in the tournament mask, by pressing the Print button on the right hand side, or under Competitions/Print…/Results List. You can also call this functionality via the Print results list button or by setting the Prize adjustment of a tournament:
The following window opens:
The Header offers you the same possibilities as with the as for the Entry list and the Start list. The Layout is very important — this determines which information is printed in the result list:
All necessary information will be printed: gross and net overall score, as well as the net difference or the rated net Stableford points, as soon as the competition has been completed (with new handicap).
From 2019, the gross column is sorted according to the gross points actually played, the result with CR compensation is listed on the right side. Only the BOLDED printed winners are brought upwards in the list, all others remain below them according to original played points: cr_compensation
In this example, the winner without CR compensation points has already clearly won with 26 points. However, you can see from the other players that CR balancing points have been added (right), but they have no effect in sorting the list, the players are listed based on the original played points!
Just informative, if you print older tournament lists: 2017 and 2018 - the gross column is extended by the additional indication of the actually played gross points, if the gross points are calculated by the cr_compensation. Take a look here: The winner has played 40 gross points, but receives 42 gross points because of the CR compensation! From 2019, the sorting will change again due to adjustments in the CR compensation, as described above!
All hole results are displayed, showing normal par results, better than par in italics, and underlined worse than par results:
HINT: If you want to print the hole results with different colors, you have to make the necessary adjustments in the print settings. To do this, click in the print window on Setup:
Assign the colors using the buttons (1). Then it is best to rename the print layout (2).
Assign one color per button (1), for example green (255 = full color saturation) for italics.
The results are now colored on the print-out.
The gross list includes the gross points and the strokes under (-) or over (+) Par:
Set the CR compensation in the prize settings to automatic if you need CR compensation.
The net stableford list includes the net points and the result 36 +/- over or underplaying. The Sorting is automatically adjusted for the gross and net lists. If the Sub-categories „Prize ranges“ or „Prizes in list“ are selected, PC CADDIE will automatically switch between gross and net list, depending on the prize definition.
The Prize-Money-Breakdown is used to calculate the distribution of money in professional tournaments. To do this, you must enter the prize money using the Prize money button:
You can separately write in the two lists the prize money for men and women using the button Type. PC CADDIE then calculates the correct amount for each.
The money is only distributed to pros.
In addition to the overall results, the partial results are also printed in the list, according to the playoff stroke:
Use the results list with the details for the playoff if you are not sure why two players have the same points, and one of them is the winner.
See what is set in the basic settings of the tournament for the playoff. The correct way to make the setting if you have Most difficult/Easiest playoffs is presented in the following screen-shot:
PC CADDIE then compares (for players with the same score) the results for the first 9 holes; PC CADDIE automatically checks the difficulty level - 1,18,3,16,5,14,7,12,9 - for each hole in the course data, previously entered in the tournament's settings (see DGV Guidelines and game regulations, 2012 to 2015, page 210, example 4).
These 9 results are then added, and whoever has more points has already won in the playoff. For further equal scores only 6 results are compared (confirming to DGV regulations), etc…
After comparing the 9 holes, the results are ordered as presented below, even if the score is the same:
You can enter the results for the flag competition as soon as you select Flag-Competition in the „Result type“ field.
PC CADDIE prints in the result list the entries of the field „Gross“, if sorting gross list is set - or that of the field „Net“, if sorting net list is set.
You can enter the results as text. It is sufficient to enter 18 30, and it automatically becomes 18.hole, 30.
Important: Enter first the hole and then the distance. PC CADDIE even recognizes the units of measurement m, cm and mm!!
Values entered without a measurement unit are considered as meters. Accordingly, you could number the balls from the flag without unit information.
As soon as you enter the identifier Hole, the following applies: the shorter the distance, the better the result.
As soon as you enter the identifier Tee, the following applies: the larger the distance, the better the result.
For example, if you enter 19t 180m, that would be automatically converted to 19.Tee, 180m.
This is how a result list looks like:
For multi-round games such as Club Championships, the result list is displayed as follows.
No CBA overview and no HCP changes are printed in the overall list. Instead, you will see under
(1) Tot. the overall addition of strokes and
(2) +/- the indication of the strokes above par or in the tournament setting „CR compensation in gross activated“ the strokes over CR.
If you want to print a list of HCP changes over several rounds, you can do this as described below:
Open the tournament and click on the Transfer scores:
In the following window please select „List of HCP changes“, then you can select Filter to chise which information should be presented in the list:
Press Print to see the overview of HCP changes:
When the playoff is used on two rounds, the last one is always used to determine the winner.
Example: If in a multi-round tournament you have 3 players with the same overall results after 2 rounds, the last round will be used for the playoff.
First, it is checked whether in the second round the results are already different, for example, 2 players have 33 net Stableford points and the 3rd player has 32 points. Just because the 3rd player has 1 point less than the other two players in the 2nd round, it is already clear that this player gets 3rd place, no matter how he played the rest of the rounds.
For the other two you have to print the Result list with playoff details only for the second round to decide who gets the first place.
More examples with screenshots:
Position of the men gross after 3 rounds: in the playoff is set: Hardest/Easiest - 9,6,3,1
The 3rd round is used to determine the score - result list for round 3 with playoff details:
The player with 44 points wins after comparing the results for the 9 holes.
You could also set (depending on the tender): Hardest/Easiest - 18,9,6,3,1
In this case, the last round is also used to determine the winner. But first, all 18 holes of the last round are compared. In the following example, the same player wins:
If there is a full tie at the playoff (for all adjusted holes) the randomness will decide and the result will be marked with 2 asterisks. The penultimate round will not be used to determine the score.
Recommended for the tender is also Sudden Death (playoff).
Use Sort to select between „Gross evaluation“ and „Net evaluation“. Note that this setting is ignored when using the Subdivision „Prize class“ or „Prize in list“. You can also activate Alphabetic to process the list alphabetically.
The following options are available for Subdivision:
„Prizes in list“ should be chosen in most cases when prizes have been defined. Then, the result list is automatically divided into the classes that you have defined in the Prize definition. In this case, the players who have won a prize are shown in bold:
It would be good to distinguish between players with the same name, for example by using the words senior and junior.
If you select „Prize categories“, the subdivision is also according to the prize definition, but the winners are not printed in bold:
Then use the button Certain prizes if only individually defined prizeses should be printed:
If you have not selected a breakdown by prize, you can use Filter to specify a person filter. Only the players that fulfill the filter conditions will be printed.
If you select the Only Handicap Classes option, you can easily classify into handicap classes. Here's an example:
On the printout you get a classification into the set handicap classes:
When classifying handicap classes, you should always keep in mind that you are excluding a player with handicap 1 (better than 0) when making a definition as above. Therefore, for example, enter „Pro“ at from.
Check Cut if you want to show a cut in the result list. This feature is independent of the actual cut described in the Enter player, Setup starting list feature. For example, if you enter „10“ for ladies and „20“ for men, the cut will be displayed after the 10th lady or after the 20th gentleman. The list must of course be divided into ladies and gentlemen. This can be done either via the Subdivision, the filter or the prize definition. Usually you should activate the option … and the same results, then the players in the cut who are tied to the 10th lady or the 20th gentleman are also taken into the cut.
For intermediate result lists, you can enable only collected results, then only players with valid results will be printed. Players who have not yet entered a result will not be considered. For example, if you enter „7“ for „Players-maximum“, only the first seven players in each group will be printed. This allows you to print a short, clear result list, for example, for award ceremonies.
You can call this function using the button Internet. It sends the file to the DGV intranet, to Swiss golfnetwork
and to the PC CADDIE://online Tournament.
In addition, the file can be transferred via FTP to any server, provided appropriate data is stored.
Start the process with OK.
More information about this topic can be found under FTP transfer.
Clicking on the SMS button creates an SMS to every tournament participant who has stored a mobile phone number, with their own results and the new handicap.
Read more about this under Send result and new handicap.
For multi-rounds tournaments you can determine which round should be evaluated. PC CADDIE automatically suggests the last round of the current day:
The Total list is set by default. You can only print the list for a single round if you disable this option. This is very handy if you want, for example, to print only the second round after the tournament, because then the HCP changes of the 2nd round are on the list.
Players of all rounds is marked if you want to have not only the players of the last round in the result list. This is especially used for Eclectic tournaments, where not every player has to play in the last round to get a valid result.
If the option Rd.-Priority is activated, the players who have played the most rounds are always sorted first in the result list. This option should be disabled for Eclectic tournaments.
Click on Print (F8) to start the printout.
As of April 1, 2016, no new handicaps will be printed on the results list of players with foreign home clubs after having been declared effective, because countries' handicap systems are different.
Here is an example of a result list, printed with a German PC CADDIE version and a player with Swiss home club! Analog would have been, for example, a printout from a Swiss PC CADDIE version with a player with German home club - the player with German home club does not have a new handicap on the list.
Of course, the results will be transmitted as usual over the intranet and players can then find out from their home club the current state of your handicap, or use „Mygolf“.