

Add gross and net special scores

As a special rating, this is very individual and therefore only a special rating. There is usually a gross or a net rating!
The addition of gross and net can be achieved manually by a trained PC CADDIE user, but you need a copy of the competition!

Copy the tournament after entering the results

Copy the competition once all results have been entered. The instructions are available: =>here
It is important that you first open a new betting game, then click on Copy, and after selecting the competition to be copied, check all the boxes:

Edit the copied competition

To easily identify the copied tournament, it is best to add any text to the tournament name, for example gross: „Tournament name GROSS“

Now simply set the Hcp formula to „0“ as follows - then all results are „gross“, even in net scores!!

The copied game with these settings should never be completed as HCP effective!! (if this happens accidentally and the date and start times match the original tournament, then please complete the ORIGINAL competition again immediately!

Use annual prizes for the addition

You can now use the module Annual prizes to add gross and net points.

The price „GRONE“ (addition of gross and net) is set as follows:

Since the HCP calculation in the copied tournament is set to zero, the net results in the copied tournament are the same as the gross results, so all you have to do is add up the net results from both tournaments and you have the list you want:

Use multi-team ranking for the addition

You can also add gross and net in the team ranking with these two competitions:
make the settings with the multi-team ranking!

In both competitions, for example, use the Wizard of the multi-team ranking to set that you want to add up all the results of your games of three:

…and you get the addition of gross and net, with a suitable heading, when printing the multi-team evaluation:

en/wettspiele/turnierpraxis/sonderwertung_brutto_und_netto_addieren.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/04/13 14:50 von emilia
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